Create a Year You Love: What’s Waiting for You on the Other Side
“A person is the product of their dreams. So make sure to dream great dreams. And then try to live your dream.”
As we settle into the holidays and look forward to the New Year, It’s been such a pleasure to share some of my own end-of-year goal-setting processes along with a few of my favorite coaching tools.
In the midst of the busyness, I hope you’ve been able to take a moment for yourself, get intentional, reflect on the past year and envision what’s next.
You can come back to these tools at any time.
First, I shared how evaluating brings awareness which is the most important first step.
Then you learned that focusing on the who makes a bigger impact than figuring out the how.
You have a downloadable worksheet that gives you a crystal clear snapshot of your life right now and what would make it amazing! This is the basis for the goals you create.
Yesterday, you created your gift goals and came up with a plan that focuses on self-love and support rather than willpower and self-discipline.
Today, I’m giving you one last gift. I recorded it this morning in the quiet of a sleeping house by the light of my Christmas tree.
It’s one of my favorite visualizations that I use with new clients because it anchors you in the feeling of empowerment and possibility as you step toward your future.
Find a quiet, comfortable spot and see yourself there.
Visualization: The Other Side of the River
What do I want to leave you with over these five days?
That you can have a year you love, a life you love.
Even in the midst of uncertainty and challenging times, the choices you make, how you relate to yourself and those around you, are what creates happiness and fulfillment.
In this season and always, I want that for you.
Happy Holidays and a Very Happy New Year.
With so much love,
Originally published on December 23, 2022.